The Wine Wave is an authorized FedEx shipper for all online shipping orders. Shipping and handling rates will vary based on location, number of bottles, and the size/weight of your order. Rates will also change as expedited shipping methods are selected. All packages require an adult (21 years or older) signature upon delivery.
Please allow two full Business Days for processing, and understand any FedEx shipments, including FedEx Overnight purchased on Friday, will not arrive until the following Monday. There are no Saturday or Sunday deliveries to commercial addresses if an item leaves our shop on a Friday.
Example: Buyer selects FedEx 'Priority Overnight' or 'First Overnight' on Friday morning December 7th, and expects delivery by the next day - Saturday night, December 8th - the item(s) purchased will arrive on the next business day, meaning no-earlier than Monday, December 10th - a full 48 hours after selecting FedEx overnight.
Tracking: Once the order has been placed, an itemized invoice and tracking number will be emailed for your records.
Packaging: Packaging depends on amount purchased. Typically wine is shipped in secure 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 or 12 bottle Styrofoam shippers, where time and weather permit. Otherwise pulp, and all liquor is shipped in pulp.
Weather Conditions: Weather conditions, either extreme heat or freezing temperatures, across the US can create challenges for shipping wine. If extreme weather conditions present, specifically extreme heat due to being located in Florida, we will recommend holding your wine until the weather permits a safe delivery. Expediting shipping is also an option to ensure the safe arrival of your wine.
States That Restrict Alcohol Shipment: Many states restrict the shipment of wine. Please accept our apologies if we are unable to ship to your area. We cannot ship to the following states: Alabama, Delaware, Illinois, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Oklahoma, Utah, New Hampshire, Vermont, & Virginia.
For more information on state laws concerning shipments of alcohol, visit: Wine Institute
Return Policy:
All online and in-store sales are final. Due to fragile nature of our products, once removed from the store bottles may easily be compromised with heat, cold, or improper storage. We are unable to accept returns or offer refunds on wines. Please ensure the item you are purchasing is the correct producer, vintage, and size before confirming payment information. This protects the buyer and ensures the wines curated are stored properly, and the utmost care is given to provenance - and prior commercial history. By choosing to ship using our 3rd party partner FedEx, you are relinquishing control to them for handling. We are not responsible once the wine has been picked-up.